SAH Arts Self-Development Programme
Through our personal experiences and completion of the Quality 4 Life Self Improvement Programme, we have created SAH Arts to emotionally connect with others and give them a voice. The approach that we have developed enables our clients to rediscover who they are and their self-worth.

Self Awareness
Participants will be encouraged to focus on an artwork that demonstrates who they are as individuals (likes, dislikes, strengths etc.)

Group Awareness
Participants will be encouraged to develop an artwork to represent how other people make them feel.

Conflict Handling
Participants will be encouraged to focus on an artwork that focuses on conflict (behaviours and attitudes)

Active-Listening Skills
Participants will be encouraged to develop an artwork to represent their listening skills.

Participants will be encouraged to develop an artwork to represent their self-reflections and learning

What are the benefits?
Increasing self-control and empowerment
Releasing your emotions and finding your voice
A more positive view on life
Meeting new people
Connecting with likeminded souls
Gain confidence
Knowing who you are
SAH Arts Case Studies
2015-2019 Personal crises

Relationship with partner 2017
The Challenge
I felt there was no respect shown towards me by the father of my child. I would often raise the concern. There would be short term improvements, but over time things would get worse
Actions Taken
1) Sought support from the Doctor due to my depression at the time
2) Recommended by the Police to contact Women’s Aid
3) Women’s Aid assisted me in obtaining an injunction
Injunction granted
1) Gave me the mental space to develop myself, for example, College and the Quality 4 Life Self-Improvement Programme
2) Created the foundation for mutual respect and better communication with the father of my child
3) Positive environment created by both parents to nurture their child
2017 Quality 4 Life Improvement Programme

Personal relationship (Self) 2017
The Challenge
I felt I had no self-identity
Actions Taken
1) Sought support from others
2) Enrolled on the Quality 4 Life Self Improvement Programme
1) Self-Awareness allowed me to identify my likes, dislikes, strengths and weakness.
2) Group Awareness allowed me to understand how the behaviours of others impacted my emotions and mental health
3) Conflict Handling allowed me to learn and develop new techniques for resolving problems
4) Active Listening allowed me to learn and develop new techniques to help me to understand others and communicate my thoughts and feelings.
5) Self-Reflection allowed me to learn and develop techniques which helped me to monitor my progress and identify where improvements need to be made.
1) Greater self confidence
2) More self belief
3) Increased self value
4) Became motivated and set personal goals for the next 5-10 years
2015-2019 Personal crises

Relationship with partner 2018
The Challenge
I felt confused and unsupported because there was an anonymous allegation made against the father of my child with no proof and Social Services gave me two options which were, to stop contact, or to continue contact, but if further allegations are made, I would also be made responsible
Actions Taken
1) Stopped contact and sought support from Citizens Advice
2) Went through the process of the Family Courts
Myself, and the father of my child, were praised by the family court because we were able to come to a mutual agreement and they could see our focus and priority was our child. They said it was very rare parents could put their own emotions aside and come together
1) Both parents created a positive environment to nurture their child
2) Gained more respect towards one another and improved our communication and parenting relationship
2015-2019 Personal crises

Friend relationship 2019
The Challenge
I felt I wasn’t truly understood by an old friend, and I would often support them, but they would not support me
Actions Taken
1) Spoke with my friend about the issue
2) Listened to their response
3) There was no mutual respect and understanding, so I made the decision to step back from the friendship
Mutual agreement on common grounds
1) I recognised what I want in a friend and what I didn’t want
2) Recognised my personal values
2019 Expressed myself through art

Personal relationship 2019
The Challenge
I felt I had no voice (my perception)
Actions Taken
1) Expressing myself through art
2) Shared my artwork with others:
-School Play Therapist
-College Tutor
-Family Support Worker
The Family Support Worker and the Play Therapist were so inspired they arranged for me to have a meeting for me to share my artwork with the Head Teacher at the Primary School
1) The Head Teacher liked my style of art and commissioned me to create paintings to represent verses from the Bible
2) Other people being able to see my true value
2019 Connected with Stakeholders

Work relationship 2019
The Challenge
I felt the process I used to overcome my personal obstacles could be beneficial to others who also struggle to express their feelings verbally
Actions Taken
Shared my artwork with local community centres
The community centre was inspired by my artwork and could see value and potential to help others
1) Connecting with stakeholders
2) Meeting new people
2019 Developed SAH Arts

Work relationship 2019
The Challenge
I felt there was a benefit to help others express themselves through art, but I didn’t have the right environment to do so
Actions Taken
1) Worked with the staff at the community centre
2) Developed SAH Arts
Ran two sessions of the SAH Arts Self-Development Programme, but it came to an end due to COVID 19 Lockdown
1) Connecting with stakeholders
2) Meeting new people
3) Helping others express themselves through art
4) Gaining experience and skills
2020 COVID 19 Lockdown

Family relationship 2020
The Challenge
I felt as a wider family across the three generations we had poor communication. For example, after the murder of George Floyd, a member of the family sought help on social media instead of speaking with the family. In addition, the Pandemic Lockdown prevented the family seeing each other face to face
Actions Taken
1) Define the problem
2) Measure by conducting a survey of how well each family member knows each other across the generations
3) Identified the root cause of the poor communication
4) Developed ideas on how to improve the communication within the family
5) Scheduled fortnightly meetings via Zoom to share our personal life journeys
1) We had family Zoom meetings every two weeks. One week, a member of the family would share their story, past, present, and future and then the other week we would have family fun nights. For example, quizzes, and countdown.
2)The sessions ran for a period of 6 months
3) The most common core values amongst the family were creativity and supporting others
1) Identified the families core values and beliefs
2) Gained greater mental health awareness across the family
3) Better understanding across the generations which has unified the family
4) Documented the individual family stories which helps future generations to know their heritage
5) Family members being more open and honest by sharing their knowledge and personal life experiences
2022 Personal crises

Relationship with partner 2022
The Challenge
I felt there was no respect shown towards me, especially when my partner was under the strong influence of alcohol. The relationship worsened over time and became physically and verbally abusive
Actions Taken
1) Sought support from family and friends, the police, and a family support worker
2) Stopped all contact with my ex
1) Expressed my emotions in a controlled way, for example, in the gym and to my key people
2) I opened up with my family and friends who listened and were non-judgemental
1) Staying on track
2) Managing my mental health
3) Gained confidence and self-belief
2022 Created book ideas based on my child's anxieties and worries

Relationship with partner 2022
The Challenge
I felt overwhelmed because my child’s anxiety worsened due to COVID 19 and the Pandemic Lockdown
Actions Taken
1) Documented weekly of my child’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviours
2) Shared the documents with my child’s school to seek further support and keep teachers and parents aligned.
3) Purchased items to help with her worries such as worry dolls, lights for her bedroom, Alexa to listen to music at night, books about worries and fears for us to read.
4) Made time after school for my child to express her emotions and any concerns
5) Helped my daughter express her emotions through art
6) Used materials to help support my child such as Will Power and Starving the Anxiety Gremlin
1) Created a mock-up of a children’s book based on my child’s experiences of worries
2) Supported my child with her anxiety
1) Happier child
2) My child gained emotional intelligence (better self-awareness and understanding of others)
3) Helped to improve my child’s capability with dealing with problems
4) My child gained self-belief
5) I gained more insight of my child and her needs to be able to continue supporting her
2022-2023 Connected with stakeholders

Work relationship 2022-2023
The Challenge
I felt anxious about meeting new people and lacked self-belief
Actions Taken
1) Before the meetings with others, I would have a pre-meeting with my Manger (Dad) to discuss the agenda and the desired outcomes
2) Had support from my Manager (Dad) during the meetings regarding my anxiety
3) Actively contributed to the discussions with the book ghostwriter, the book publisher, the brand designer, and the website designer
4) Weekly self-reflections using the ABCD report (Achieved, Benefits, Concerns and Do next) which captured my growth and development
1) Established mutually respectful professional relationships with stakeholders
2) Attended all online meetings with stakeholders
1) I felt my voice was heard
2) Stakeholders see my true value
3) Greater self-belief and self-confidence
2022 Created illustrations for the Kaizen for Personal Growth Development book

Work relationship 2022
The Challenge
I felt having just words in a book, it would be harder to get the emotions across
Actions Taken
1) Understood the emotion behind each chapter of the book
2) Created the illustrations
1) I was able to capture the emotion and meanings behind each chapter of the book.
2) All illustrations were approved by the Author
1) People are more engaged when the stories are visually represented
2) The illustrations complement the words written in the book
3) Helps the reader to gain more understanding
4) Allows the reading experience to be more fun
2023 Creative lead for the development of the company website

Work relationship 2023
The Challenge
I felt others weren’t able to see my true value because I was working from home and working for my Dad
Actions Taken
1) Worked with my Manager (Dad) and the website designer
2) Created the content for the SAH Arts page and the infographics across the website
1) Created the, website
2) I have an art gallery for my paintings online,
3) Achievement of a personal goal I set in 2019
1) Others can see my true value and capability, “Connecting with people emotionally, enabling them to be heard”
2) My artwork is accessible to all online
3) Enabled me to explore more of my creativity
Would you like a piece of artwork created?

Bishop Wilson School
Religious painting for the Head Teacher of Bishop Wilson School, Chelmsley Wood, Birmingham.
He took a little child and had him stand among them. Taking him in his arm, he said to them; whoever welcomes one of these children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me. Mark 9:36-37

Head Teacher of Bishop Wilson School
Religious painting for the Head Teacher of Bishop Wilson School.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Perter 4:10

September 2020 Gift Painting
The Head Teacher received this painting as a gift. I wanted to express my gratitude for the school's support during the COVID 19 Lockdown. My daughter and I struggled with the unknown. Mr. Ricketts answered all of our questions and kept us all updated. His "excellent leadership skills" are represented by this artwork. He does as he says, providing a safety net for the school's parents, students, and staff during a trying time.