Self Awareness

"Unseen: My Spectrum of Emotions"
Spectrum means a range of colours. Interestingly you might have a range of feelings and emotion but because you sometimes ‘wear a mask’, people don’t see the true you.

"Being someone I’m not"
Growing up, I was confused about my identity, so I pretended to be someone else in order to feel accepted by others.

"I want to be white"
Growing up, I was bullied numerous times because of my skin colour. I despised being brown. I wanted to be like everyone else, white.

"Losing Strength"
Being a first-time mum and dealing with difficulties in my relationship were really challenging. I lacked the energy to handle everything that was going on.

When you feel you have lost control.

"The Smiling Mask
For a long time, I pretended to be happy but in reality I was in pain.

"Trapped and Alone"
When I was struggling with depression, I lived in this deep, dark well.

“Words are Powerless without the image”
Words serve as warnings, but because we cannot perceive the problem, we do not act; yet, once the problem occurs, it is too late to act.

"Hidden Tears"
People tend to focus on the big picture and become distracted by what's going on beneath the surface.

"Finding who I was enabled me to escape"
I was blind before, but as I discovered who I was, who I truly was, I was able to see more clearly what was going on around me.

"Blind to reality"
Sometimes it's difficult to see the true environment we're in, whether it's good or bad.

"This is me"
For a long time, I straightened my hair and put on a lot of make-up to hide the true me, but through time, I discovered myself, developed confidence, and became proud to show the true me.
Group Awareness

"Taken away from someone you love"
My mother and stepfather separated when I was a child. He was my best friend at the time, and I adored him like a father, but due to the breakup, I wasn't allowed to see him again.

"Where do I belong?"
As a mixed-race person, I had to deal with people who didn't accept me because I was black to some or more white to others.

"Am I a disease?"
I've had people change seats on the bus and walk to the other side of the road. People's reactions are similar to "disgust." It gives me the impression that anyone who touches or comes close to me will catch something.

"True love"
My love for my child is a different kind of love, a more stronger love.

"My child saved me"
I attempted suicide as I battled to cope with day-to-day life, but I couldn't do it because I couldn't punish my daughter. My daughter gave me courage and saved me. I will be eternally grateful to her.

"A child’s power of happiness"
No matter how difficult things became, my daughter provided me joy and kept me going

"Protecting the ones you love"
There have been many situations when I had to make difficult decisions, but every decision was always made to protect my child, but I also had to build a wall to protect her from my emotions and the situations I was in.

"Blind to true colours"
People appear to be helpful, compassionate, and kind, but their true colours emerge when they are no longer in control.

Your child accepts you for who you are; they are the closest person to you; they bring out the best in you; and they have an unbreakable bond with you.

"True Friendship"
A person that embraces you for who you are, brings out the best in you, stands by you through good and difficult times, and when you're together, you glow with pure happiness.

"My Father"
They claim that a daughter's father is the first man she ever loved. I am incredibly fortunate to have my father. Through the years, his unwavering love and support have enabled me to successfully navigate a number of obstacles in my life.

"Always with me"
The butterfly represents my Nanny Brown. Even though she isn't present, she is still with me and guiding me.

"Peer Pressure"
There is a lot of pressure and expectation placed on children, and as a result, their childhood is being robbed from them.
Conflict Handling

"Living in darkness"
This was my daily life when I was depressed, living in darkness everywhere I went and having horrible thoughts about myself.

"Toxic Behaviours"
Our actions can sometimes have an impact on those closest to us.

"Standing up"
This is when I finally said no more; I didn't want to live in the dark any longer, so I fought back.

This was the period when I needed an injunction. Those are the court doors, and once I walked through them, I was free.

"Parents Power Of Happiness"
When parents dispute, the child/children suffer; but, when parents can put their differences aside and agree on what is most essential, the child benefits.
Active Listening Skills

"Not being heard"
I'd get so close to reaching out for help, but because people weren't actually listening to me, I'd get drawn back into the darkness.

"Being heard"
Due to tough circumstances, I sought assistance from a family support worker. She listened to me, acknowledged my presence, and recognised that I was in pain. When things became too difficult for me to bear, I felt my only option was to give up, but she wouldn't let me fall, she wouldn't let me give up, she kept helping me up and shielding me from the darkness.
Self Reflection

I feel like a different person since overcoming my depression, like if I've been reborn.

"You either allow your emotions to keep you trapped or you allow your emotions to set you free"
This is my year, from March 2019 to March 2020. My path is represented by the lines on the wings, and my opportunities are represented by the bright circles.